Additional costs


Driven too fast? Smoked in the car? Parked incorrectly? In these cases, and other situations as mentioned in the PDF, we charge additional costs. Also, if you incur a fine during your trip, we will pass this on to you.


For more information on when we charge these costs, see our rules and the Terms and Conditions.

Note: we're implementing several changes that take effect from 1 June 2024. The administrative costs will also change.



Booking costs


Book or change booking via app or website


Book or change booking via customer service employee

€ 2 per booking




Standard deductible

€ 500

Lower standard deductible from € 500 to € 75

€ 3,99


More on your deductible and how to lower you own risk


Administrative costs


Processing traffic fine or payment reminder

€ 12,50 + fines from the governement (will change to € 15 as of 1 June 2024)

Loss of Greenwheels card

€ 5

Blocked bank payment

Bank costs + € 12,50

Invoice per email or Greenwheels account





Duping another user by violating our Terms & Conditions (i.e. article 20)

€ 25

Returning a car with insufficient petrol/diesel (less than 25% of tank contains fuel)

€ 25

Returning an electric car without charging

€ 50

Car light left on

€ 50

Service trip to vehicle due to violation of Terms & Conditions

€ 50 /hr (min. 1 hr)

Salvage company deployment (“tow truck”)

€ 250

Returning the car too late

€ 50

Windows not properly closed / left open

€ 50

Car not returned to its own, designated parking location

€ 75

Car left untidy

€ 75

Car not clean / left untidy due to pets

€ 75

Smoking inside car

€ 100

Lost tank card or charging pass

€ 50

Lost car key

€ 500

Lost/broken charging cable

€ 500

Misuse of tank card or charging pass

€ 1.000 (+ police report)

Wrong fuel

€ 1.000

Unauthorized (additional) driver

€ 1.000

Gross negligence / misconduct

€ 1.000




All mentioned costs and prices include 21% VAT. With the exception of the Lower standard deductible for Business users which is excluding VAT.